Homeowner Mold Claims

At The Mold Lawyers, we specialize in representing homeowners facing mold-related problems. Our dedicated team handles a variety of legal cases, ensuring homeowners receive the justice and compensation they deserve.

Contractor Negligence

Mold issues can often arise due to the negligence of contractors. We handle cases involving:

• Roofers: Improper installation, repairs, or failure to tarp during a rain storm can lead to leaks and resulting mold growth.

• Plumbers: Faulty plumbing work causing water damage and subsequent mold.

• Appliance Installers: Incorrect installation of appliances resulting in water leaks and resulting mold growth.

• Air Conditioning Installers: Poor HVAC installations contributing to mold due to improper sizing of the compressor, inadequate ventilation or leaks.

Hidden and Undisclosed Mold in Recently Purchased Homes

If you’ve recently purchased a home and discovered hidden water damage or mold that wasn’t disclosed by the previous owners, we may be able to help. Sellers are legally required to disclose all known material defects relating to the property to the buyer before closing. If the previous owner knew about certain conditions and failed to disclose them, they could be held liable for damages. Our team will work to ensure you receive the compensation needed to remediate these hidden issues.

Homeowner Insurance Policy Mold Claims

Homeowners’ insurance policies often attempt to limit or exclude coverage for mold removal or remediation. In Florida, many policies cap this coverage at $10,000. It’s crucial to understand your policy’s coverage, especially considering your deductible. However, coverage can extend beyond this limit if the mold results from another covered loss, such as a sudden pipe burst. In such cases, you may be fully covered.

Insurance companies frequently deny mold coverage, claiming homeowner neglect or lack of maintenance as the cause. We recommend contacting our mold lawyers for a free case review to ensure you receive the full benefits of the insurance coverage you paid for.

Contact Us

Dealing with mold issues in your home can be overwhelming. At The Mold Lawyers, we’re committed to providing experienced legal assistance to help you navigate these challenges. Contact us today for a free case review and let us help you secure the justice and compensation you deserve.

water damage

Health Symptoms of Mold Exposure

The effect of mold on your health

Although every person has a different health reaction to mold exposure, certain symptoms have been recognized as common among individuals who have been exposed to toxic mold or are living in a water damaged environment. Common health concerns which typically result from mold exposure include: asthma, allergic reactions, mucus build-up, difficulty breathing, respiratory infections, wheezing, chronic cough, bronchitis, chest pain, sinus pain or pressure, extreme fatigue, skin reactions, nose bleeds and headaches.

In addition, certain types of people may be more sensitive to the exposure to toxic mold. These people include: people with existing respiratory conditions, such as allergies, chemical sensitivities, or asthma; persons with weakened immune systems (such as HIV infected persons, cancer chemotherapy patients, and so forth) ; and (c) infants, young children, and older persons. These types of people are more likely to suffer more severe symptoms than someone with a healthy, and normal functioning immune system.

Are Some Molds More Hazardous Than Others?

Although any type of mold can cause sickness, certain types of molds may be more dangerous because of their toxicity and their ability to produce mycotoxins. Molds the produce mycotoxins, such as Stachybotrys chartarum typically grow in residences. These toxic molds carry mycotoxins on their spores. If these molds are disturbed, they can release large amounts of mycotoxins into the air. The main way people are exposed to mycotoxins in their homes is by breathing the mycotoxins in. Normally, there is always a very small amount of mycotoxins in the air everywhere. However, when there is toxic mold in residences, there is a much greater amount of mycotoxins in the air.

Do you have a mold problem?

If you believe you have a mold problem in your residence, contact our mold attorneys for a free, no-obligation consultation of your case. Read our guide of what to do if you have a mold problem in your residence. If you believe your health has suffered or you have incurred other damages, contact our mold attorneys for a free, no-obligation case evaluation.

How Does Mold Grow

In order for mold to grow, it requires a water source. Typically, mold will present itself after the occurrence of water damage or hidden water leaks. Although you may see visible mold growth or a musty mold odors, sometimes mold grows behind walls, underneath flooring, in the ceilings, or even in your air conditioning ducts. When mold gets into your air conditioning duct system, this can result in you inhaling the mold when you breathe and can result in the development of asthma, allergies and respiratory infections including the triggering of asthma, an increased wheeze, cough, difficulty breathing, and other symptoms.

Contact a Florida Mold Attorney Today.
(954) 241-2260